
The stock market has often been used as a gauge of political success, but its accuracy as a political barometer is questionable. While many financial websites provide scoreboards displaying stock performance during different presidencies, there is little statistical evidence to support the claim that a president's chance of re-election is tied to stock market performance.

No Correlation Between Stock Market Performance and Re-Election Odds

An analysis of the U.S. stock market's performance in the years leading up to presidential elections reveals no significant correlation between stock returns and the incumbent party's chances of retaining the White House. Despite the market being forward-looking and discounting the economy's future state, the previous year's stock market performance has shown no predictive power in determining re-election odds.

Biden's Falling Re-Election Odds

If President Joe Biden's chances of being re-elected are indeed declining, it cannot be solely attributed to the struggling stock market. Even when examining the relationship between the stock market's returns during election years and the incumbent party's re-election odds, no conclusive correlation is found.


It is essential to recognize that relying on the stock market as a political prognosticator is unreliable. The absence of a significant relationship between stock market performance and re-election odds challenges the notion that a president's political future can be accurately predicted based on stock market fluctuations.

The Elusive Correlation Between the Stock Market and Elections

Predicting the stock market can be tricky. Trying to link it to election outcomes? Even trickier. While many have attempted to find correlations between the market's movements and a candidate's chances of winning, the results have been inconclusive at best.

In a recent study, I delved into the relationship between the stock market and Joe Biden's re-election odds, using data from, an electronic predictions market. Surprisingly, I found no statistically significant correlations. On some occasions, Biden's odds mirrored the market's performance, while on others, they went in completely opposite directions. It was clear that there was no consistent pattern to rely on.

Campbell Harvey, a finance professor at Duke University, shed some light on these findings. In our email exchange prior to the 2020 election, he emphasized the challenge of drawing meaningful conclusions due to the relatively small sample size of past presidential elections and the numerous variables at play.

It's important to note that my analysis is devoid of any political bias. In fact, before Donald Trump's re-election bid, during the tumultuous times of the Covid-19 pandemic, I observed the same lack of correlation between the stock market and an incumbent's chances of victory. Back then, I faced accusations of favoring Trump. Now, I expect criticism for seemingly supporting Biden.

Let me clear the air: neither accusation holds any truth. My advice is simple - keep your politics separate from your investments. Subjecting your financial decisions to political sentiment is a recipe for uncertainty. Instead, focus on sound investment strategies that are detached from partisan influence.

Plus: The Implications of McCarthy's Ouster on Market Dynamics

As investors fret over the perceived "dysfunction" in Congress following Kevin McCarthy's removal from office, it's natural to wonder how it will impact the markets. Stay tuned for an in-depth analysis on the potential ramifications and implications of this development.

Trade tariffs have become a pressing concern in today's political landscape. Both the Biden and Trump administrations are advocating for measures that may have severe implications for American jobs.

The Stakes Are High

The consequences of imposing trade tariffs deserve careful consideration. At stake are numerous American jobs that could be negatively impacted by such policies. It is crucial to comprehend the magnitude of these trade decisions and analyze their potential ramifications.

Distinct Perspectives

Diving into the subject matter, it becomes evident that differing viewpoints exist regarding the approach to trade tariffs. Both proponents and critics of these policies offer valid arguments, highlighting the complexities involved.

Critical Analysis

A comprehensive understanding of the issue necessitates a critical analysis of the proposed trade tariffs. By examining various factors such as economic implications, international relations, and long-term consequences, we can paint a more accurate picture of how these trade policies may affect American jobs.

Moving Forward

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