Pilots at Network Aviation, a subsidiary of Qantas Airways based in Western Australia, have chosen to engage in protected industrial action amidst ongoing workplace agreement negotiations. Network Aviation operates charter and regular passenger flights within Western Australia and into Darwin, as well as providing transportation services for the resources industry.

The Australian Federation of Air Pilots (AFAP) has announced that the pilots at Network Aviation who are members of their organization have voted in favor of taking legally protected industrial actions, which may include work bans and possible work stoppages. According to the AFAP, over 99.5% of its pilot members at Network Aviation voted in favor of these actions.

Protected industrial action provides employees with the legal right to cease work or alter their work practice as a means of participating in workplace bargaining. With over 85% of commercial pilots employed by Network Aviation being represented by the AFAP, the vote reflects a strong sentiment among the pilot community.

During the voting period, 209 out of 211 eligible AFAP members at Network Aviation submitted their votes, demonstrating a high level of engagement and support for the proposed industrial action.

As negotiations continue, it remains to be seen how these actions will impact Qantas Airways and its subsidiary Network Aviation. However, this vote signifies the determination of the pilots to fight for their rights and achieve a fair workplace agreement.

A representative from QantasLink, the regional airline for the Qantas Group, expressed disappointment regarding the potential industrial action taken by the AFAP. However, the airline remains proactive in ensuring customer satisfaction and has already reached agreements with two other unions representing Network Aviation pilots.

The QantasLink spokesperson assured that if the union proceeds with the industrial action, the company has developed contingency plans to minimize any inconveniences to customers. It is worth noting that Network Aviation pilots are represented not only by the AFAP but also by the Australian and International Pilots Association and the Transport Workers' Union.

Furthermore, QantasLink is actively engaged in negotiating new agreements with turboprop pilots from its subsidiaries, Eastern Australia Airlines and Sunstate Airlines, as part of their commitment to secure favorable outcomes.

In efforts to enhance customer service, Qantas recently announced an investment of 80 million Australian dollars (US$51.4 million). This investment aims to rectify previous concerns and improve overall customer satisfaction. Some of the issues that led to this investment included allegations by an Australian regulator, accusing the airline of dishonesty in advertising tickets for numerous flights that had already been canceled.

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