A devastating fire broke out in Valencia, Spain, engulfing two residential buildings and claiming the lives of four individuals. Currently, 19 others are reported missing as rescue efforts continue.

Immediate Response

Residents fled to the balconies seeking refuge, with firefighters working tirelessly to save those stranded. The scene was chaotic, with flames bursting from windows of the towering 14-story building where the fire originated. Some residents were eventually rescued using a crane from their balconies.

Ongoing Efforts

Valencia’s assistant emergency services director, Jorge Suárez, provided updates stating that the situation remains critical hours after the fire erupted. Firefighters are making efforts to cool down the building's exterior before venturing inside.

Collaborative Support

The Spanish Military Emergency Unit joined forces with medics on site, setting up a makeshift tent to treat the injured. Reported injuries include fractures, burns, and smoke inhalation, with a total of 13 individuals receiving medical attention, including six firefighters.

Uncertain Origins

The cause of the fire is still under investigation, although reports suggest that the building's materials may have contributed to the rapid spread of the blaze. Thick clouds of black smoke filled the sky, visible from a distance due to strong winds.

National Response

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez expressed his shock on social media platforms, offering full support to Valencia during this difficult time. His message conveyed solidarity with those affected and praised the efforts of the emergency response teams on the ground.

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