General information

RevenueBot is a cryptocurrency trading bot that enables users to trade automatically on various exchanges. The bot supports all major exchanges including Binance, Bitfinex, Bittrex, Poloniex, and Kucoin. RevenueBot uses sophisticated trading strategies and advanced indicators to enable users to make profits in the market. The bot has a user-friendly interface and is very easy to use. It also offers a wide range of features such as automated trading, backtesting, profitability reports, and more.

RevenueBot is a great tool for those who want to make money in the cryptocurrency market. It is simple to use and offers a wide range of features that can help you make profits. However, it is important to note that the bot does not guarantee profits and you should always do your research before investing in any market.

Account types

1. Starter

The starter account is best suited for those with a small budget and who are just getting started with RevenueBot. This account type gives you access to all of the features of the bot, including auto-trading, manual trading, and portfolio management. You can also choose from a variety of risk levels, which will determine how often the bot trades on your behalf. The starter account has a minimum deposit of $250 and a maximum of $2,500.

2. Advanced

The advanced account is best suited for those with a larger budget and who are more experienced with RevenueBot. This account type gives you access to all of the features of the bot, including auto-trading, manual trading, and portfolio management. You can also choose from a variety of risk levels, which will determine how often the bot trades on your behalf. The advanced account has a minimum deposit of $5,000 and a maximum of $25,000.

3. Professional

The professional account is best suited for those with an extensive budget and who are extremely experienced with RevenueBot. This account type gives you access to all of the features of the bot, including auto-trading, manual trading, and portfolio management. You can also choose from a variety of risk levels, which will determine how often the bot trades on your behalf. The professional account has a minimum deposit of $50,000 and a maximum of $250,000.


RevenueBot offers three subscription plans:

  1. Monthly – $49 per month
  2. Quarterly – $129 per quarter (Save $38)
  3. Yearly – $499 per year (Save $151)


1. Auto-trading

RevenueBot offers auto-trading, which enables the bot to trade on your behalf. You can choose from a variety of settings, including risk level, trading amount, and more. The bot will then place trades for you based on these settings.

2. Manual trading

In addition to auto-trading, RevenueBot also offers manual trading. This enables you to place trades yourself using the bot’s advanced indicators and signals.

3. Profitability reports

RevenueBot provides detailed profitability reports, which show you how much profit you’ve made, as well as your success rate. These reports can be useful in helping you to adjust your settings and improve your results.

4. 24/7 support

RevenueBot offers 24/7 support, which means that you can always get help if you need it. Whether you have a question about the bot or you need help with a trade, their team is always available to help.

5. Free updates

RevenueBot offers free updates, which means that you’ll always have access to the latest features and changes.

24/7 Customer Support

RevenueBot offers 24/7 customer support, so you can always get help when you need it. The team is friendly and knowledgeable, and they're always happy to help you with any questions you may have.

Fast and Efficient

RevenueBot is a fast and efficient way to make money online. The team has a lot of experience and they know how to get the most out of your traffic. They also offer a variety of customization options so you can make sure your campaigns are just the way you want them.

Transparent Pricing

RevenueBot has a very transparent pricing model. You can see exactly how much you'll pay for each campaign, and there are no hidden fees or charges. This makes it easy to budget for your campaigns and know exactly how much you're spending.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

RevenueBot offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can try the service risk-free. If you're not satisfied with the results, simply cancel within the first 30 days and you'll get your money back.


Exchanges Supported
Customer Support


Pros Cons
Auto-trading Only supports Binance
Manual trading Requires a minimum deposit of $500
Profitability reports
24/7 support
Free updates
Transparent pricing
30-day money-back guarantee

Is RevenueBot Legit?

Yes, RevenueBot is a legitimate service that can help you make money online. The team has a lot of experience and they offer a variety of features to help you be successful. They also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can try the service risk-free.

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