Latin American and Caribbean countries have the potential to leverage the growing trend of regional integration and attract increased investment from the United States, according to Inter-American Development Bank President, Ilan Goldfajn.

The Forum: Promoting U.S. Investment in the Region

The Inter-American Development Bank is hosting a forum in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, which aims to promote U.S. investment in Latin America and the Caribbean. The forum specifically focuses on key sectors such as infrastructure, clean energy, semiconductors, and medical supplies.

The Importance of Targeted Sectors

Goldfajn emphasized the significance of these sectors, stating that they are areas where there is a notable increase in interest.

Key Participants

The forum will see the participation of esteemed individuals, including U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and heads of state from six countries in the region.

Seizing the Opportunity: Enhancing Trade and Investment

While Latin America has traditionally struggled to attract foreign direct investment compared to Asia-Pacific countries, Goldfajn believes that the region is now at a turning point. With the current momentum towards greater regional integration, Latin America has a unique opportunity to boost trade and investment.

"I firmly believe that we are currently experiencing an inflection point," Goldfajn stated. "We cannot afford to miss out on seizing this opportunity once again."

Encouraging U.S. Participation: BID for the Americas

To encourage greater involvement by U.S. firms in regional projects, the Inter-American Development Bank has launched BID for the Americas. This program, initiated in September, focuses on areas such as public procurement, trade and investment, as well as financing.

By capitalizing on this promising situation, Latin American and Caribbean countries can pave the way for sustainable economic growth and development, fostering mutually beneficial partnerships with the United States and beyond.

Unlocking Investment Potential in Latin America

According to recent statements by a top official, U.S. companies have a high probability of winning bidding processes in the region, ranging from 70% to 80%. However, the real challenge lies in attracting a greater number of companies to participate in these opportunities.

Addressing Investor Concerns

Latin America has long been plagued by concerns surrounding stability, the rule of law, and the uncertainty of regulatory frameworks. As a result, companies have been exploring investment opportunities globally, turning their attention to regions such as Asia.

However, there is a growing shift in perspective. The integration of the Americas is increasingly being viewed as a top priority in today's interconnected world. Regional leaders are recognizing the need for economic partnerships within the Americas to foster greater prosperity.

The Path to Economic Integration

In pursuit of this vision, U.S. President Joe Biden will host the inaugural leaders summit of the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity at the White House. This summit serves as a testament to the United States' commitment to deepening economic integration in the region.

One of the key focuses of the summit will be addressing the fundamental economic drivers behind irregular migration in the region. By simultaneously promoting economic opportunity and stability, leaders hope to mitigate the record numbers of migrants who have sought illegal entry into the United States over the past two years.


As Latin America continues to navigate its investor landscape, there is a growing recognition that unlocking economic potential requires addressing concerns related to stability, the rule of law, and regulatory certainty. The upcoming leaders summit signifies a renewed commitment to economic integration within the Americas and a proactive approach towards tackling the underlying challenges faced by the region.

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